ASDA EV charging trial goes live at Stevenage store

Team Egg | 25/01/2022

Asda Stevenage superstore has just given their customers one more reason to shop, with the installation of 3 new charging stations

At a Glance

Asda Stevenage superstore are trialling fast and rapid EV chargers for their customers

An end-to-end solution that offers 24/7 support service and simple contactless convenience

Asda Stevenage has just given their customers one more reason to shop, with the installation of 3 new charging stations. As the number of EV (electric vehicle) owners and drivers continues to rise, Asda Stevenage customers can now top up their charge while they shop, with potential plans to roll out EV chargers to stores across the UK.

Asda have chosen the Stevenage superstore as a trial site for the EV chargers, before installing EV chargers at their other Asda sites. Looking for something that was easy and convenient for shoppers to use, Egg designed the complete end-to-end solution that combines both rapid and fast* charging facilities. Here’s how.

*Wait, aren’t ‘rapid’ and ‘fast’ the same thing? Not when it comes to EV chargers. Take a look.

Quick and easy charging

Capable of charging a Nissan Leaf to 80% in just 30 minutes, the Tritium Veefil RT50 charging station can charge a car in the time it takes to complete a weekly shop. Boasting the smallest DC charger footprint in the world, the RT50 charger is also a great choice for retrofitting into an existing car park layout. Alongside the rapid charger, an Etrel dual outlet AC charging station provides fast charging (80% charge in 3 hours) for shoppers that plan to take their time browsing the superstore and enjoying the cafe.

To make sure customers can’t miss the new units, they’re fully wrapped in Asda branding and in a prominent position near the front of the store with clear bay marking. 

Hassle free payment with contactless technology

Paying to charge a car on these units is fast and simple with contactless card payments.

There’s no need for customers to register with a charging network, download an app or request an RFID card to start charging. With the added flexibility of setting their own tariffs, Asda can charge users per kWh of energy delivered to their vehicle and retain 100% of the revenue.

Charging point maintenance made simple

 Asda Stevenage registered their new charging units with our 24/7 support service. This Egg team remotely monitors and diagnoses any issues through our cloud-based management platform - and anyone using the charging unit can contact us on our 24/7 customer helpline.

 With our back-office connectivity, we’re providing real time insights on the status of the charger and its usage - so Asda can easily evaluate their EV charger performance and customer adoption. That means they’ll have real, actionable data to show the success of their trial site, and make informed decisions on how to roll this out to their other stores across the UK.

Ready to find out more about destination EV charging with Egg, including our EV Charger Plan with 100% uptime guarantee? Start your EV journey.

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